Silicon Publishing connects Adobe InDesign to the Box Content Cloud

Press Release from Silicon Publishing Inc.

Silicon Connector for Box

San Francisco, CA, September 13, 2023 – Silicon Publishing announces the release of Silicon Connector for Box ver. 3.0, connecting Adobe creative tools directly to the Box Content Cloud. While Silicon Connector for Box has been very popular in the Box community for years, this new release offers creatives unparalleled ways of working with Box Content Cloud documents and other assets from popular Adobe applications including InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

“We have watched Box evolve steadily, ever since they were a scrappy startup,” said Silicon Publishing CEO Max Dunn. “During the past decade, Connector has empowered creatives to work with Box assets in the most effective ways. But with recent advances in both Connector and the Box Content Cloud itself, even more powerful workflows are now possible.”

Version 3.0 of Connector now includes:

  • New UI for Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator so users can work easily with assets in Box, without ever leaving their Adobe creative applications.
  • Dynamic linking from Photoshop and Illustrator to assets in Box now features automatic updating.
  • When an asset in Box is checked out for editing, it automatically locks, preventing version conflicts or redundancies.
  • Assets not yet uploaded to Box, such as local files, now can be automatically migrated into the Box Content Cloud. This greatly assists in moving to Box from other storage platforms or DAMs.
  • Search functionality is enhanced, offering a broader range of search types.
  • Users can view corresponding folders directly in Box while still working in their Adobe applications.
  • Improved asset upload options.

“The need for creatives to work efficiently and operate in a modern way is more important than ever before,” said Fred Klein, Vice President of Business and Corporate Development at Box. “Marketing departments require access to a trusted cloud platform to securely manage content from anywhere. We’re excited to see Silicon Publishing empower creatives with the ability to access the Box Content Cloud directly from within Adobe creative applications.”

Click here to give it a try! We welcome feedback on this evolving technology.

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